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Eleven Deaths At A Cincinnati Who Concert
On December 3, 1979 outside the Riverfront Coliseum in Cincinnati, Ohio eleven people were killed and dozens were injured in a crush of people trying to get into the arena. Fans were waiting outside for a Who concert scheduled to take place that night.
Thousands of fans (with first-come, first-served festival seating tickets) rished towards the locked doors when they mistook the band's sound check for the concert having started. People were trampled and crushed before the doors were unlocked. The Who went on to play that night, unaware of the tragedy outside.
After the tragedy Cincinnati put a ban on festival or general admission seating. That ban was only lifted once for a 2002 Bruce Springsteen concert and then on August 4, 2004 the ban was lifted totally by city councel, concerned that performers were skipping Cincinnati because they could not have general admission seating.
To prevent any problems, new rules limit the number of tickets (based on square footage of the concert location) and all the doors to the festival seating area will have to be opened two hours before the concert. Ushers and security personnel must be in place before the doors are opened, and a written evacuation plan is required.
Posted: 2004-08-05 2:18:45 PM
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